Pursuing Excellence for Mind and Heart

A K-12 Independent Christian School Serving Northern Virginia
2019 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

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Trinity Christian School exists to educate students to the glory of God by pursuing excellence for mind and heart. Trinity seeks to...

Impart Truth

Truth is the word of God, written and Incarnate.

– Psalm 119:160; John 14:6

Instill Courage

Courage is the Christ-like character to live the truth of God’s word uncompromisingly in a compromising age.

– Joshua 1:7

Inspire Service

Service is the imitation of Christ, who came “not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

– Matthew 20:28



Trinity is a Remarkable Place to...

Build Your Christian Faith

Think biblically about all aspects of life from kindergarten to Capstone Senior Thesis.

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Realize Your Gifts

Uncover new passions in our diverse programs.

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Learn by Example

Learn from leaders who see their students as image-bearers of Christ and invest in students' minds and hearts.

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Discover How You Learn Best

Reach your God-given potential with advanced courses and on-campus academic support programs.

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Know and Be Known

Build meaningful community across Grades K through 12.

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Serve Locally and Globally

Go above and beyond to serve your neighbor and the world.

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I’m at Trinity Because...

Trinity is like a second home to me. I transferred from a public school the middle of my junior year, and it has been the best decision I’ve ever made. The teachers and staff are incredibly caring, the students are wonderful, and the community is beyond loving. This school really cares about the students and their lives. The education is top-notch and I’ve learned so much more than I did at public school. I would recommend this school to anyone, especially those who are looking for a school with a strong Christian influence.

Sydney Knott, Class of 2020

Photo of Trinity Student Sydney Knott, Class of 2020
I came to Trinity because I love teaching God’s Word to students. I stay at Trinity because this community has been such a blessing to me, and I see God at work here. I’ve been encouraged, prayed for, and challenged along the way...I love TCS and am so thankful for the many people who make it so great.

Aaron de Gastyne, Upper School Christian StudiesTeacher

Mrs. Connor’s kindergarten students adore her and she is teaching them, by example, to pray without ceasing and to look to scripture as the basis for everything they think or do.

Andrea Verwys, Trinity Parent

There are many reasons that I love Trinity. In ninth grade, when I made the transition from public school to TCS, I was blessed to discover a place where I experienced the charity of a Christian community in the classroom setting. I could have wept with joy to hear my teachers begin each class with a prayer to Jesus Christ. I did not believe that a place like Trinity existed until I experienced it for myself.

Emma Bayer Watkins, Class of 2008

“Excellence for Mind and Heart” -- more than a vision. . .a reality. We’re in our 26th year as part of the Trinity family. My wife Mrs. Sherri Copeland joined the staff back in ’93. Sherri’s first class was in our wedding and some of her students over the years have since returned as teachers and staff. Thank you, Trinity, for being such a major part of our family and for assisting us in shaping the godly women that we proudly call our daughters.

Nate Copeland, Trinity Parent

Hear from Trinity students, parents, and faculty

More About Trinity

Focused Learning

AP courses offered in every department and learning support center for Grades K - 12


All-season sports for student athletes in Grades 6 - 12


1:1 laptops and e-curriculum for Grades 7 - 12, computer labs and laptops for Grades K - 6


Visual, choral, instrumental, performing arts: required courses + electives + extracurricular


Over 100 churches represented + K - 12 chapel program

Financial Aid

Significant budget allocations to reach the broadest number of Christian families

Because I’m a Trinity Grad...

Nick White '11

Trinity Christian School served as the soil in which the seed of my faith grew and was nurtured; there, for the first time, I encountered a Christianity that was more than I expected . . . the history of the church, of which I became conscious for the first time at Trinity, was the mechanism by which Holy God ushered me into true discipleship. And from the first moments of faith until now, the overwhelming value of the knowledge of the history of the Lord’s people has been one of the most important refrains in my life’s song of worship.

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Stephene Aizcorbe Hertwig, R.N. '07

The decision to attend Trinity was pivotal in my life…I was encouraged to glorify God in all endeavors. Academically I was challenged with rigorous study that laid the foundation for my future work in critical care medicine. Courses and activities were calculated to train leaders. I was honored to be selected as a Flight Nurse with UVA Pegasus, the critical care medevac program at UVA. Without the confidence and knowledge rooted in the truth of God's Word instilled in me during my time at Trinity, I wonder if I would have had the courage to pursue this path this early in my career.

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Nick Freiling '09

Trinity equipped me with all the practical skills to succeed in college and beyond. But more importantly, my teachers at Trinity taught me how to think critically---how to put things in perspective and consider all things in light of God's truth. I'm working on my Master's now, and I still draw upon what I learned at Trinity.

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