For College Admission Reps

Visiting Trinity Christian School

The college advising office invites admission officers to visit our campus throughout the year. Visits can be scheduled Tuesday through Thursday during lunch from 12:40 -- 1:15 p.m. or on Monday at 1:00 p.m.

College Advising Office Location & Parking

When you arrive on campus, drive past the stone house and park in the visitor parking spaces in front of the Office of the Head of School (OHS) or in the last row of parking spaces in the large parking lot.  When you exit your car, you will look at the back of the stone house. Proceed to the double doors, and a receptionist will welcome you and inform us of your arrival..

Contact Us

To schedule a visit to Trinity, please view our calendar on SCOIR and request an available date and time. Your visit is not officially scheduled until you receive a confirmation email from us.