Lower School K-6

Program Overview

Core subjects are taught at every grade level: Christian studies, mathematics, history, reading, language arts, and science.

  • Art, music, and physical education are included in every student's schedule.
  • Chapel services are conducted twice each month.
  • Field trips and special projects supplement the lower school program.

Students have two years to prepare for transition to Upper School through introduction to higher-level thinking skills as well as organizational tools. 

Meet our Teachers!


Grades K-4 Distinctives

Diverse Learning
Trinity emphasizes
a variety of instruction styles through activity centers, flexible reading and math instructional groups, and whole-class settings.

Technology Applications
With "Classroom in a Box," teachers enhance lessons and build research skills as students use tablets and laptops in the classroom. The computer lab is available for whole class instruction in all subjects.

Resource Teachers & Subject Specialists
Students learn from experts who serve in a variety of roles - teaching whole classes, meeting with small groups, and equipping teachers for effective lesson planning.

Lower School Chapel services are separated from the Upper School to address age-appropriate spiritual growth.

Grades 5 - 6 Distinctives

In the Classroom
Students in sixth grade receive a modified block schedule to prepare for the transition to a full block schedule in upper school, a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) instructional block and an integrated humanities block for history, literature, and Christian studies.

Students have access to a secure portal to access class materials and communicate with teachers, as well as supplemental use of tablets and classroom laptops.

Campus Life
Chapel services are separated to address age-appropriate spiritual growth. Trinity offers
uniform options specific to fifth and sixth-grade students and lockers for their personal belongings. Several options for Interscholastic sports begin in Grade 6 (with Grades 7 and 8).

Arts in the Lower School



Art and music teachers have dedicated space and weekly instruction for Grades K - 6. All Lower School students perform for the school community in at least two formal music programs each year. Beginning band, strings, and chorus instruction is available after school for an additional fee.

Strings and band students have a weekly instructional period during the day in addition to the after-school session.

Library/Media Center

A comprehensive library/media collection is housed in two distinct centers on campus. The Lower School Library/Media Center collection includes nearly 4,500 books, approximately half of which are fiction and half are non-fiction related to the curriculum. The center provides an inviting space for browsing, reading, and exploring the world of books.


  • Students visit the Library/Media Center weekly to check out books, participate in topical reading sessions with the librarian, and learn online research tools.
  • A full-time librarian assists faculty and students in the use of the collection.
  • Students in fourth through sixth grade have a personal ID to access the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) to search for and check out books.



Everything that you do [in Singapore Math] is based on the lesson. Nothing is fluff and everything teaches you a new thing.
Fourth Grade Student


2023-2024 Year in Review


Free Resources

Request a free copy of The Lost Purpose of Learning by clicking here.

Request a free copy of Rightside Up in an Upside-Down World by clicking here.